3D Imaging in Paleoanthropology 

Imagerie 3D en paléoanthropologie


Publications before 2005

Bertrand MAFART et collaborateurs


GUIPERT G, MAFART B. Analyse morphométrique tridimensionnelle d'un os isolé en paléoanthropologie. Interêt et limites. Antropo, 2006,11


NOEL J, SUBSOL G, MAFART B, Gaspard GUIPERTG., GASCUEL JD. Les collections muséographiques en 3D par microtomographie rayons X. Virtual Retrospect, Biarritz, 8-10 novembre 2005.


MAFART B., GUIPERT G., de LUMLEY M.A., SUBSOL G. (2004) Three-dimensional computer imaging of hominid fossils: a new step in human evolution studies.Can Assoc Radiol J. 2004 Oct;55(4):264-70.

GUIPERT G., de LUMLEY M.A., de LUMLEY H., MAFART B. (2004) . Three-dimensional imagery: a new look at the Tautavel Man.  In Enter the Past. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Stadtarchäologie Wien (Eds). Archaeopress. BAR International series 1227, 2004, 100-102. Full Text

BORDERIE Q, TORGUET P, SUBSOL G, de LUMLEY H, MAFART B., JESSEL JP. (2004) 3D Modeling of Paleolithic Tools". Workshop on Archaeology and Computers, Vienna (Austria), 3-4 November 2004. Résumé

GUIPERT G, SUBSOL G., JESSEL J.P., DELINGETTE H., MAFART B (2003). The FOVEA Project. A New Look at Human Past. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Montreal, VSMM edit, 42-48. Full text.

MAFART B. et H. DELINGETTE H. dir. (2002).Colloquium: "Three-Dimensional Imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archeology".Archaeopress. British Archaeological Series 1049, 108 p. Actes du XIVème Congrès UISPP 

MAFART B. (2002). 3D imaging in paleoanthropology and prehistoric archeology: a new tool for old science or an emerging science? In B. MAFART et H. DELINGETTE dir, Colloquium "Three-Dimensional Imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archeology". Archaeopress. British Archaeological Series 1049, 1-4. Full text

ODIN G., QUATREHOMME G., SUBSOL G., DELINGETTE H., MAFART B., DE LUMLEY M.A.(2002) . Comparison of a three-dimensional and a computerized-assisted method for cranio-facial reconstruction: application to the Tautavel Man. In B. MAFART et H. DELINGETTE dir,  Colloquium "Three-Dimensional Imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archeology".Archaeopress.. British Archaeological Series  1049, 67-71.

SUBSOL G., MAFART B., SILVESTRE A., DE LUMLEY M.A. (2002). CT-Scan image processing for the study of the evolution of the shape of the human skullActes du Colloque 3D imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, B. MAFART et H. DELINGETTE dir,  Colloquium "Three-Dimensional Imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archeology".Archaeopress. British Archaeological Series 1049, 37-46. Full text

ODIN G., BALAGUER T., QUATREHOMME G., MAFART B.. Reconstruction nasale bi et tri-dimensionnelle : intérêt du positionnement de la pointe nasale. Paléoanthropologie et Paléopathologie osseuse, 2000, 3, 316-322.  

SUBSOL G., MAFART B., MELINE D., De LUMLEY M.A. (2000). Etude morphométrique de lignes caractéristiques du crâne. Application à l‘étude tridimensionnelle des crânes des Hommes fossiles. Paléoanthropologie et Paléopathologie osseuse, Art'Com édit, Paris, 2000, 3, 92-101. Full text 

 Démonstration sur le site web: http://www-sop.inria.fr/epidaure/personnel/subsol

UISPP Congress 2001 Liege

Colloquium 1.7  

Three-Dimensional Imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archeology

British Archaeological Series  1049

108 pages   


textes intégraux bientôt tous disponibles-  Full texts soon available


3D imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archeology: a New Tool for Old Science or an Emerging Science?


Applications and Pitfalls of CT-based 3-D imaging of Hominid Fossils.

Rae TC.      

3D Imaging and Measurement in Studies of Cranial Pneumatisation.

Bruner E, Manzi G, Passarello P.      

The "Virtual" Endocast of Saccopastore 1. General Morphology and Prelimiary Comparisons by Geometric Morphometrics.

Harvati K.      

Models of Shape Variation Between and Within Species and the Neanderthal Taxonomic Position: A 3D geometric Morphometrics Approach Based on Temporal Bone Morphology.

FRIESS M, Marcus LF, Reddy DPn Delson E.   

The use of 3D Laser Scanning Techniques for The Morphometrics Analysis of Human Facial Shape Variation.   

SUBSOL G, Mafart B, Silvestre A, de Lumley MA     

3D imaging Processing for the Study of the Evolution of the Shape of the Human Skull: Presentation of the tools and Preliminary Results.


Virtual Paleoanthropology: The 4th Dimension    

THOMPSON JL, Nelson AJ, Illerhaus B.

3D Imaging and Traditional Morphometrics Analysis of the Adolescent Neanderthal from Le Moustier    

WEBER G     

Virtual Anthropology - The Hope for More Tranparency in Paleoanthropology.

Odin G, QUATREHOMME G , Subsol G, Delingette H., Mafart B, De Lumley MA. 

Comparison of a Three-Dimensional and a Computerized-assisted Method for Cranio-facial Reconstruction: Application to the Tautavel Man.

KULLMER O, Huck M, Engel K, Schrenk F, Bromage T.

Homind Tooth Pattern Database (HotPad) Derived from Optical Topometry.    


Simulation and 3D Laser-Scanning if Dental Abrasion.


Bridging the Gate Between Archaeological Dataset and Digital Representations

SABLATNIG R, Tosovic S, Kampel M.      

Volume Computation of Archaeological Vessels

de LUMLEY H, Butour C, Moigne AM, POIS V, Vaudron R  

Reconstitution en trois dimensions d'un sol d'habitat préhistorique: Exemple de la Caune de l'Arago (Tautavel, Pyrénées-Orientales, France).   


Web site 

projet FOVEA

FOVEA Project

direction B. MAFART

